Saturday, February 28, 2009


Rhal Sol Cruz vs NM Nico Alisangco
AGUILAR CUP (Simul Match)

MERALCO, Pasig City

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Bc5 4 Bb5 d6 5 O-O
THE CHESS PLAYER'S HANDBOOK, "It is mostly advisable to castle the K pretty early in the game, and to do so on the K's side, because he is less subject to an attack, and better able to repel one on that side than the other."

5 ... Nf6


6 d3 h6 7 Bd2 O-O 8 BxN
MASTERING THE CHESS OPENINGS, "Exchanging your B for a N is reasonable, but do so only to gain some advantage (or if forced to), otherwise you will be surrendering the advantage of the B-pair for no return."

8 ... PxB 9 Qe2 Bg4 10 h3 Bh5 11 Bd3 Bb6 12 Qd2 BxN
MODERN ART OF ATTACK, "The prime aim of any attack against the orthodox castled position must be to provoke a weakness in its structure in order to focus the attack there."

13 PxB Nh5 14 Kh2 BxB 15 QxB Qh4


16 Rg1
THE CHESS PLAYER'S HANDBOOK, "It is usually good play to get command of an open file, that is to say, a file which is occupied by no other man, by stationing a R at one end of it."

16 ... Nf6 17 Rg3 c5
18 Ne2 g5 19 Qd2 Nh5 20 Rg2 Nf4 21 NxN
THE ART OF CHESS, "When you are castled K-side, beware of adverse N posted at his f4/f5. Prevent his entrance there by means of your own N or B, or when he arrives get rid of him in exchange as soon as you can."

21 ... QxN+ 22 QxQ
BEST LESSONS OF A CHESS COACH, "When defending against a strong pressure, try to trade Q's."

22 ... KPXQ 23 h4 f6 24 Rag1 Kg7


25 h5

25 Rb8 26 b3 a5 27 a4 Rb4 28 Re1 Re8 29 Re2 Kf7 30 Kh3 Ke6 31 Kg4 Ke5 32 Rg1 Ke6 33 Rg2 Kf7 34 Kf5???

34 ... Re5+ 35 Kg4 f5+ 36 Kh3 g4+ [0-1].

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Olvida Memorial Simul

Rhal Sol Cruz vs NM Rhobel Legaspi

MERALCO, Pasig City

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nf6 Nc3
The FOUR KNIGHTS GAME which adheres to the principle of developing the knights before the bishops.

4 Bb5 Bb4

5 O-O O-O
WINNING CHESS OPENINGS, "The purpose of the opening is to get a safe King and an equal middlegame."

6 d3
For six (6) moves, Rhal has been playing the moves of World Champions; Lasker vs Tarrasch in World Championship 1908, Capablanca vs Steiner in Los Angeles 1933, Botvinnik vs Panov in USSR Championship 1939 and Ponomariov vs Azarov in European U12 Championship 1995.

6 ... Nd4

7 Bd2???

PORTABLE CHESS COACH, "Many beginners seem to forget that they have an opponent, going about their plans without noticing the plans being made against them."

7 ... BxN 8 BxB NxB 9 Bb4 d6 10 c4 a5 11 PxN PxB 12 Qd2 Bg4 13 QxP BxN 14 PxB Nh5 15 h3 Qh4 16 Kh2 Nf4 17 b6 QxP+ 18 Kg1 Qg2#

Monday, February 9, 2009


1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 Bb5 Nd4

MODERN CHESS OPENINGS, "Black's best winning attempt is 4 ... Nd4, known as the RUBINSTEIN VARIATION. It is a violent attempt to avoid the symmetry with a pawn sacrifice."

5 Nxe5 NxB 6 NxN Bc5 7 O-O
WINNING CHESS OPENINGS, "The purpose of the opening is to get a safe King and an equal middlegame."

7 ... d6 8 Nf3 NxP 9 Qe1 Qe7 10 Nxc7+ QxN 11 QxN+ Be6 12 Ng5 Qd7 13 NxB PxN 14 d4 Bb6 15 Be3 d5 16 Qg5 O-O-O 17 Rfe1 h5 18 Qh3 Qe7 19 Bf4 BxP 20 RxP Qd7 21 c3 BxP+ 22 KxB Rdf8 23 Kg3 h4+ 24 Kf3 g5 25 Re5 RxB+ 26 Ke2 g4 27 Qe3 Re4 28 RxR PxR 29 Qxa7 Qd6+ 30 Kd1 Rd8 31 Qa8+ Kc7 32 Qa5+ Kb8 33 Qe5+ Rd6 34 Qh8+ Ka7

35 Qxh4? e3 36 Qxg4 Qd2+ 37 Kf1 e2+ 38 QxP Rf6+ ... [0-1]

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Ten Greatest Chess Books Ever Written

by AJ Goldsby

In my opinion, this is the greatest chess book ever written. Not only was it the best analysis I had ever seen, the variations were beautiful.

2) MY SYSTEM by Aaron Nimzovich
This is the book that makes average players into Masters, and turns Masters into GM's. Not only did this book explain many of the "new" ideas of the hyper moderns, it also teach the basics of strategy and planning. This book was a landmark in the chess world and easily one of the most important books from the standpoint of chess history.

3) THINK LIKE A GRANDMASTER by Alexander Kotov
Not only a great book, but a masterpiece of training methods.

As one of the competitors, GM Bronstein offers a unique and valuable insight into the ideas and the psychology of what must have been going through the players minds' at the time of the game. He does not drown the player with a sea of variations, but instead offers much verbiage and explanation.

5) MY 60 MEMORABLE GAMES by Robert Fischer
Anyone who spends some serious time in this book MUST improve.

6) THE WORLD'S GREATEST CHESS GAMES by GM John Nunn, GM John Emms, and FM Graham Burgess.
This book is one of the best instructional and analytical books I have seen in my entire chess career.

7) THE MOST INSTRUCTIVE GAMES OF CHESS EVER PLAYED [62 Masterpieces of Chess Strategy]; by Irving Chernev.
It contains 62 true masterpieces of chess by various different players. (Masters such as Fischer, Capablanca, Alekhine, Tal, etc.) Each game is carefully and lovingly annotated.

8) THE LIFE AND GAMES OF MIKHAIL TAL by GM M. Tal. This is one of the greatest works of love of all time that are in print.

9) MASTERS OF THE CHESS BOARD by GM Richard Reti. Here the dynamic young genius of the hyper-modern revolution goes through all the masters that had played chess up to that point. Reti rates "The Older Masters," in Part I. (Anderssen, Morphy, Steinitz, Tarrasch, Lasker, Schlecter, and H.N. Pillsbury. Apparently Reti felt this group of players had covered all the basics of chess and showed several distinctive styles.) In Part Two, Reti rates many of the more modern masters of that time. (Such as Maroczy, Marshall, Rubinstein, Capablanca, Alekhine, etc.)

10) 500 MASTER GAMES OF CHESS by GM Savielly Tartakower and J. Du Mont.
Easily a truly great book and a monumental work. Every single opening is represented.